Waste Management & Colour Coding Copy

Employees are and employers are required to familiarize themselves with local policies as local practices are effectively governed by local practices.

These are some general practices observed in the common area;

  • Installed disposal holds for safe disposal of waste from inpatient ward zones.
  • These disposal holders facilitate appropriate disposal of waste such as single-use commodes and other contaminated products.
  • For glassware and waste made up of such related products, glass disposal boxes or alternative cardboard boxes are clearly marked and specifically designated for this purpose.

Quick recap.

We have taken a look at the most common signs and symbols you are most likely to encounter at a regular workplace as well as waste management systems including colour coding with respect to proper and safe waste disposal.

Safe Handling & Disposal: Sharps

Recommendations from the National guidelines in this respect are consistent with international guidelines on the same:

  • Assessment and management of risk
  • Safe systems of working
  • Safety devices (engineering controls)
  • Post-exposure due follow-up and prophylaxis

The Safe Management of Sharps

  • These are the recommended guidelines on the safe management of sharps.
  • There must be no disassembling of needles and syringes.
  • Sharps must not be passed from hand to hand.
  • Sharps bins should not be overfilled and avoid the use of needles wherever possible.
  • Do not recap needles. 
  • Instead, immediately place the uncaps needle into the shop’s box. 
  • Think ahead and plan the sale handling and disposal of sharps before using them. 
  • Maximum capacity of a sharps container should be maintained at 3/4 full.
  • Carry used sharps containers carefully.
  • Empty sharps containers must be kept closed.

Store sharps containers in a secure place until ready for removal for incineration