Unit 11: Smoker’s Lines

Smoker’s lines are caused by the hypertrophy of orbicularis oris. Common contributing factors include:

  • Sun exposure
  • Smoking
  • Skin thinning

Neurotoxin treatment is a great option for mild lines. For deeper lines, dermal fillers or laser resurfacing may be needed in addition to neurotoxin treatment


The target of this treatment is the orbicularis oris muscle, especially fibres located close to the lips. Depending on severity and distribution of lines, 2 – 6 injection points may be needed (to start: 4 points, one per lip quadrant). Each injection point should have a dose of 1-2 units of botulinum toxin, bringing the total dose for the entire procedure to 4-10 units. It is important to stay in close proximity to the vermillion border (no more than 5mm away)


Risks from overdosing or spreading of toxin include:

  • Dysarthria
  • Oral incompetence