Stress in the workplace & Incident reporting Copy

It is the responsibility of the employer to make sure their staff do not become unwell at work.

Causes of workplace stress

  • Poorly designed or managed workload
  • Poor scheduling
  • Unsafe physical environment
  • Unclear authority/leadership
  • Inadequate staff support
  • Lack of procedures to deal with conflict including harassment

Stress Reduction

Some strategies to deal with stress are:

  • Accepting that emotions are part of everyday life whether you are at work or home.
  • Accepting that everyone works at different speeds.
  • Seek clarification if unsure about work requirements and procedures.
  • Eliminate blaming others.
  • Create a list of important tasks.
  • Facilitate a culture of openness and inclusiveness.
  • Familiarize your self with the workplace policies and practice.

Reporting Incidents

Review policies and procedures surrounding incidents including near- misses. Make sure you fill out an incident report including all relevant information.

  • Evaluate against RIDDOR.
  • Incorporate procedures to prevent similar incidents

Measures to Save Energy

Organizations are implementing policies to reduce environmental damage.

Some suggestions are;

  • Boil water that is required only.
  • Lights should be turned off after hours, where unneeded and in places where there is daylight.
  • Fix leaking taps and use ware sparingly.
  • Close windows and doors when air conditioning is on. Use air-conditioning moderately.
  • Turn off the computer when not in use ( weekends and nights).
  • Avoid using portable heaters.

A final recap.

The final section has covered awareness regarding Legionella at work, including how the steps that organisations should take to asses incident reports. The final section also looked at some of the causes of stress and ways a workplace can reduce the impact of stress at the work place.


Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

Management of health and safety at work regulations 1992 manual handling operations regulations 1992.

Personal Protective Equipment at work regulations 1992. Health and Safety display screen equipment regulations 1992 noise at work regulations 1989.

Control of substances hazardous to health regulations 1999 control of us pesticide work regulations 1987

Control of lead Work regulations 1998

Now let’s proceed to the assessment you need to achieve 80% to successfully pass this course. Good luck!