Risk Assessment Copy

Risk Assessment Hierarchy

Designed to manage and minimise health and safety risks, the hierarchy of risks control puts into perspective further control measures that can be adopted for optimal risk management. These control measures are best applicable on a collective protective basis rather than on an individual basis.

Personal protection among other related types of controls should only be utilised in the event that there is no other possible way of managing the risk at hand.

Risk management procedures include:

  • Hazard avoidance or entire elimination
  • Opt for a minimum-risk option
  • Prevent potential harm right at the source
  • Utilise administrative tools including training on risk reduction, instructions and systems of work
  • Make last resort consideration of personal protection including use of protective clothing only if necessary as it provides for only individual protection

What is a risk assessment?

As part of the health and safety measures employers put in place in a workplace to minimise risk occurrence, risk assessments are procedures undertaken essentially to identify potential areas or work activities that could result in injury. An effective risk assessment enables employers to establish standards as well as implement measures that would ensure the protection of people in their workplace from identified hazards.

An ideal risk assessment includes:

  • Hazard identification
  • Identify vulnerable people and how they might potentially be harmed
  • Risk evaluation and precautionary measures
  • Findings documentation and recommendation implementation
  • Review and due updates of assessments where necessary