This act further defined penalties and as well empowered the courts with revised sentencing powers to be applied to those found to be in breach of the health and safety at work act. It states:
Manufacturers, learning institutions, repairs and service providers like hospitals and power stations, shall be overseen for lawful compliance by inspectors from the health and safety Executive, otherwise abbreviated to HSE.
Commercial venues including hospitals, shops, nursing homes, offices and leisure facilities.
Responsible for overseeing fire safety compliance in all places with the this requirement
Every and all accidents that occur at a workplace must be reported to the line manager. All health-related incidents associated with the workplace must be reported to the line manager. Any damage, near miss or impending danger that could potentially lead to injury or damage, are all classified as accidents. Subject to local policies and procedures, all incidents are required to be verifiable recorded.
Violent incidents and verbal threats alike are incidents considered under this act.